My last article was about Types of hackers and today i am going to give you detail introduction about the World,s 5 Most Famous Hackers. So without wasting more any time, Lets get start.
These are the World,s 5 Most Famous Hackers.
James rose to fame when he became the first underage to sent to prison for cyber-crime at the age of 16. To him, His online exploits were simply for fun. He was known as '' comrade'' on the internet. His main targets were blue chip corporate organizations. Using the black door, He was able to read sensitive Email messages and capture user name and passwords of the agency employees stored in the data base. He hacked into NASA,s network and downloaded enough source code to learn how the international space station worked. On releasing this, NASA was compelled to switch of his computer systems costing them approximately $41,000 in the process.
Kevin Mitnick,s journey as a computer has been so interesting and compelling that the U.S department of justice called him the '' most wanted criminal in U.S history. He was a self-proclaimed hacker with the nick name '' Hacker poster boy''. Media manage to make as one of the most feared hackers. After serving a year in prison for hacking in digital equipment corporation's network. He was let out for 3 years of supervised release. Near the end of that period, however, he fled and went on a 2.5 year hacking spree that involved breaching the national defense warning system and stealing corporate secrets. However his main undoing was when he managed to hack into a fellow hacker computer, Tsutomu shiomura. Mitnick was eventually caught and convicted ending with 5 year prison sentence. After serving those years fully he now runs Mitnick security consulting, LLC. Now he is a public speaker for computer security.
Kevin Poulsen is also referred to as Dark Dante. He rose to fame for hacking into L A radio,s KIIS-FM telephone lines and fixed himself as the winning caller, earning him a brand new Porsche According to media, He was called '' Hannibal lecter of computer crime'' He got into trouble with the law when he decided to hack into the FBI database and stole wiretap information. Unlike other hackers, his hacking activities mainly revolved around hacking into telephone networks. Surprisingly when his was eventually released on television show the telephone lines crashed. He was latter captured in a supermarket and sentenced to 51 months in prison, as well paying $56,000 in restitution. He changed his ways after being released from prison. He began working as a journalist and is now a senior editor for wired news. At one point he even helped law enforcement to identify 744 sex offenders on My Space.
Adrain lamo (born in 1981) is a former grey hat hacker and is a journalist. He was made famous after managing to break into various corporate organizations' computer systems, i.e. New York times and Microsoft inc. He was nicked name '' Homeless Hacker'' given that he utilized computers in public libraries and cyber cafes to hack into other networks. His work mainly consisted of finding flaws in corporate organizations security systems and alerting them of it. Some of the organizations that lamo managed to hit were Yahoo, citigroup, Bank of america and Cingular. What made lamo's activities illegal is that he was not hired by any of the companies to find and rectify flaws in their systems. He is also known for identifying security flaws in computer networks of fortune 500 companies and then notifying them of any flaws he found. After breaking into New York Times local area network, he was able to include himself as part of the network administrators thus giving him access to personal data, i.e social security numbers.
Robert Tappan Morris ( born on November, 8 1965) is an american computer scientist, best known for creating the Morris worm in 1988, considered the first computer worm on the internet. However the worm managed to duplicate itself all over the world wide web bring a couple of networks to a halt. To date the number of computers that were affected by the worm is still not known. The code used in the worm was written by Morris whilst he was still a student at Cornell. He subsequently becoming the first person convicted under the computer fraud and abuse act. His father was the late Robert Morris a Coauthor of UNIX and the former chief scientist at the national computer security center a division of the National security agency (NSA).
(: Stay blessed and be happy Take care ALLAH HAFIZ
My last article was about Types of hackers and today i am going to give you detail introduction about the World,s 5 Most Famous Hackers. So without wasting more any time, Lets get start.
These are the World,s 5 Most Famous Hackers.
1. Jonathan James:

Fore more information about Jonathan James, click here.
2. Kevin Mitnick:

For more information about Kevin Mitnick, click here.
3. Kevin Poulsen:

Fore more information about Kevin Poulsen click here.
4. Adrian Lamo:

For more information about Adrian Lamo, click here.
5. Robert Tappan Morris:

For more information about Robert Tappan Morris, click here.
I would like to thanks ALLAH on the completion of this article and its an honor for me and i feel glad that i discussed hacking and its types and also hackers and their types from my point of view. I don,t know what would be topic of my next upcoming article but i have try to make it more interesting for my readers. For updates you people keep following my blog. I am also working on some tutorials which will help you while hacking practically. I will share those tutorials on this blog very soon INSHA ALLAH.
Now i almost done with my 5th article.
Now i almost done with my 5th article.
(: Stay blessed and be happy Take care ALLAH HAFIZ
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