As i already told you earlier that this article will be about Hacker, In this article we will talk about hacker and its types. So without wasting any time let,s talk about hackers.
Hacker is an intelligent person who use his knowledge in constructive manner to secure system. Traditionally, a Hacker is someone who likes to explore and learn how a computer system works, plays with software,s or electronic systems, modify, delete and steal critical information. Hacker is not a cyber criminal. In the computer society context, a hacker is some one who seeks and exploit weakness in a computer system or computer network. Hackers may be motivated by multitude of reasons, such as profit, protest, or challenge. Hackers are skilled at subverting technological systems and making them do things they are not actually designed to perform. Hacker is a term used by some to mean '' a clever programmer'' and by others a person who is an expert at a particular programming or systems, as in Unix Hacker. Hackers know all about the operating system and different loops in the system because they like to tinker with electronics or computer systems.
A white hat hacker is a computer and network expert who attacks a security system on behalf of its owners or as a hobby. They don,t use their skills for illegal purposes. They usually become computer security experts to help organizations and protect peoples from the black hats. They focus on securing and protecting IT systems. for example a white hat might work for an organization to test for security weakness and vulnerabilities in the network. More then this a white hat that does vulnerability assessments and penetration tests is also known as an ethical hacker.
A black hat hacker is the villain or bad guy, who crash into victim's security to steal information and destroy the victim's security network. They also knew as a cracker. They usually use their skills maliciously for personal gain. They focus on security cracking and data stealing. They are the people that hack banks, steal credit card, user name and password and deface websites. They will maintain knowledge of the vulnerabilities and exploits they find for a private advantage, not revealing them to the public or manufacturer for correction.
A grey hat hacker is a computer guy who sometimes acts legally, sometimes in good will, and sometimes not. They are hybrid between white hat and black hat Hackers. They sometime acts unethically. They could be employed as a legit network society administrators. But during this person duties, He may be find an opportunity for gaining access to company data and stealing that data. They usually do not hack for personal gain but may or may not occasionally commit crimes during the course of their technological exploits.
A phreaker is simply a hacker of telecommunications. An example of this is tricking the phone system into letting you make free long distance calls.
A script kiddy is someone who lacks the skills of a typical hacker. They rely on downloading hacking programs or utilities sometimes calls scripts to perform an attack.
This is a person with political motivation, Such as someone defacing a website and leaving messages on the hacked site for the world to see.
This type is typically an employ or student at an institution of higher education. They would use the institutions computing resources to write malicious program.
This is someone that tends to focus more on home computing. Such as, modifying existing hardware or software, Use software without a license, Unlock apple iPhone.
As i already told you earlier that this article will be about Hacker, In this article we will talk about hacker and its types. So without wasting any time let,s talk about hackers.
About Hacker:

Final words:
" Being a hacker isn't about taking down noobs. Its a passion and a commitment to always learning. Its sharing that passion with others"
Now you all know about hackers, So now i am discussing the types of hackers. I am sharing this information because who so ever want to be a computer security expert, he should clear his mind what kind of a hacker or security expert he want to be. So without wasting any more time let's begin with,
Types of Hacker:
There are three main types of hacker.
1. White Hat Hacker:

Final Words:
A good hacker who helps in secure systems.
2. Black Hat Hacker:

Final Words:
A hacker with criminal intent.
3. Grey Hat Hacker:

Final Words:
A hacker with no particular agenda.
Ummm.. I have already told you the three main types of Hackers but i think it is not enough, So i will further divide these three types into sub categories. Means i would like to define more these three types. This will help you to differentiate among the types of hacker.

Script Kiddy:


Academic Hacker:

Hobby Hacker:

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